Joseph R. Jeffery will be addressing recent developments and long-term trends in ERISA preemption as part of a panel session entitled, “The ERISA Preemption Clause and Gobeille“, at the American Conference Institute’s 13th National Forum on ERISA Litigation. The conference is being hosted at The Park Lane Hotel in New York on October 27-28, 2016.
CMN is proud to announce that Firm member Sean MacCarthy has co-authorzed MacCarthy on Impeachment: How to Find and Use These Weapons of Mass Destruction, recently published by the American Bar Association. In the treatise, Sean shares the cross-examination and impeachment skills he developed in his role as a key member of CMN’s team of trial lawyers. Sean’s co-authors are Mr. Terence F. MacCarthy, Defender Emeritus, Federal Defender Program, Northern District of Illinois; and The Honorable Terence F. MacCarthy, Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois.
Chittenden, Murday & Novotny’s article “Recent Developments in Health Insurance, Life Insurance, and Disability Insurance Law” was recently published in the Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Law Journal at 51:2 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 473 (Winter 2016).
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Recent Developments Article
Chittenden, Murday & Novotny LLC proudly announces that Robert E. Loewer has joined the Firm effective April 2016. Rob brings more than 20 years of corporate, business and intellectual property law experience to the Firm having served for many years as general counsel to a multi-national corporation. Rob’s expertise in a wide range of corporate and business transactions adds to the depth and strength of the Firm’s general corporate and transactional practice and also complements the Firm’s leading expertise in business and commercial litigation.
Click here for more information on Mr. Loewer’s background and areas of expertise.
Chittenden, Murday & Novotny LLC proudly announces that Victor F. Terrizzi has been named a Member of the Firm effective January 2016. Victor’s practice is focused on representing the Firm’s clients in a wide variety of litigation matters in state and federal courts.
The December 2015 issue of DRI’s For the Defense magazine features an article examining a decades-long split in the federal courts of appeals over whether an ERISA fiduciary who is jointly and severally liable to an ERISA plan is entitled to seek contribution or indemnity from a more culpable co-fiduciary. This article examines the primary arguments for and against permitting such actions and finds that, while arguments advocating rights of contribution and indemnity are well-founded, recognizing them would likely be a bridge too far under the Supreme Court’s current ERISA jurisprudence
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